Game day for high school athletes is like going to war. Be prepared to never leave home with these 5 essential game day travel items again.
The below list does not include obvious but often forgotten items such as your away jersey, equipment and footwear. Instead, these are the items that can either make or break a long ride to your road game or lift back home.
Here are our top 5 travel essentials to bring on game day:
Your Cellphone
Did you know that more than 70% of teens use cell phones making them the most popular form of technology?
Ask anyone right now where their cell phone, tablet or smartphone is and almost all of them would say within arms reach.
Whether it is for using social media to avoid boredom, text messaging for that answer to a homework assignment or calling home to arrange a pickup, your cell phone can be vital to your existence as a student athlete.
So carry that charger, turn off unused apps to preserve your battery and you will be thankful it remains on even if your game was off.
Whether you are looking to get hyped with your custom pre-game playlist of music or you are simply looking to be serenaded to sleep after a gut-wrenching loss, bringing earphones with you are an absolute must.
Earphones serve as the ultimate multi-tasker, meaning that you can plug them in for an escape while doing the following activities:
- Doing homework
- Studying for a test
- Reading a playbook
- Playing Candy Crush
- Or sleeping
So whether you headphone preference fancies the latest Beats By Dre collection or the more budget-friendly Skull Candy earphones, be sure to never leave home without it.
Deodorant & Clean Clothes
Ever been stuck beside that teammate that doesn’t take his or her personal hygiene seriously?
Whether you get to take a shower there or plan or doing so back home, do your best to freshen up with deodorant for the sake of the person you are seated with. Also, remember to bring a set of clean clothes that are different than what you went to school with – and that includes having an extra fresh pair of socks, fellas.
Yes, your laundry will be a mountain-like pile, but at least others won’t have to bare witness to any of your unnecessary body odor.
And even if you have a sweat or have body odor issue, there are plenty of deodorants to help.
Cold Compress & Ointment
Ever feel sore in a particular area of your body after a game? No matter how fit you are, we all get sore from time to time and each of us has a different tolerance.
So when foam rolling or a having a cold bath is not possible, try the following items to help cope with the soreness and reduce inflammation:
- Icy Hot – A great solution while on the go and perfect for applying to a particular area of soreness
- SpiderTech Elastic Sports Tape – This can be worn before, during or after a sporting event
- Cool Wraps – Wrap your injury, reduce swelling and speed recovery mid or post-workout with dry cold therapy compression
There is nothing worse than traveling on a tightly spaced, cold leather seated school bus after a grueling game without anything to stuff down your throat. Whether you are licking your wounds from a disappointing loss or fueling your appetite from a stellar victory, have a go-to and preferably healthy snack inside your bag.
There are only so much electrolyte-ridden sports drinks you can chug before the hunger takes over. Besides, we all know you are not yourself when hungry – just ask Corey Joseph in this Snickers commercial.
Game Day For High School Athletes
So be sure to be your best both on and off the field of play with the above accessories or items. Don’t be that guy or girl caught smelling off, begging to be fed or bored out of your mind on your game day.
Tell us in the comment section below, what are you top go-to road game day essential items that you cannot live without?
Join us on this journey as we are committed to supporting and helping the next generation of student athletes become the top of their class both on and off the field.
So to start, if you have not done so already, be sure to create your profile on Classlete.com for more access and begin your journey to balancing school, sports, and your social life today.
-The Classlete Team