Have you ever been in a situation where you had to deal with annoying parent habits and it made you want to dig yourself an early grave?
We love our parents or those that look after us. However, that doesn’t mean we never thought of giving them the silent treatment after they do one of the below items.
Show your parents this list so they can knock it off and stop it for good:
They Become a Drill Sergeant
My mother is Jamaican and as a single mother of 3 kids, order had to be given somehow someway, sometimes with an iron fist. After having 2 alarm clocks (my phone and actual alarm clock), she would call home from work at times in the morning when it was still dark to ensure I was up and ready to conquer the day. However, when the phone calls progressed to stacking on unnecessary chores at the worst possible times, strict curfews and limited free time when I did have free time, it became too much.
Lord knows I am better as a result of this, but at the time, I hated it – and I know you currently do too.
They Compare You To Others
If you ever heard a comment like, “Wow, Stevie’s parents told me that he is getting straight As”, you may be interpreting this internally as, “What, you think I can’t get straight As?”. Depending on how sensitive you are or insensitive your parents can be, your annoyance meter may vary. However, being compared to someone in any type of way is the equivalent to the theory that humans came from an
Depending on how sensitive you are or insensitive your parents can be, your annoyance meter may vary. However, being compared to someone in any type of way is the equivalent to the theory that humans came from an ameba.
Like 2 Chainz said, “I’m different!”.
They’re Always Late
Ever been dropped off by your parents at practice late and have the team look at you with disappointment as coach yells, “Get on the line!”. Suicides ain’t no joke nor is the added sprints to kick off an already grueling practice.
Whether they are late from either picking you up or dropping you off at a school sporting event, remember they have taken their own adult time to support you and your goals. Give them a break for the first few offenses, but if it continues then wisely choose a time when you can have a sit-down talk with them about it.
They Don’t Show Up
Playing high school sports is a big commitment and parents both bare the burden and are a huge part of that equation as well. Whether they are overwhelmed, overscheduled or just over it, try to befriend other parents on your team to have an option B – especially when needing a lift to get home.
I don’t know about you, but this tops my list of annoying parents habits!
They Become The Coach or Ref
Ever been to a hockey or soccer tournament and witness a hockey dad or soccer mom going at it? How about when you hear a fellow teammates dad yell instructions to their son during a live basketball game? SMH…
Lavar Ball?
Learn To Deal With Annoying Parent Habits
Sports can bring the best out of you, but it also can bring the worst out of your parents – particularly if they are naturally competitive or were athletes themselves.
Ultimately, we should remember what sports are designed for during the high school years (teamwork, character building, confidence) and not always to get a scholarship or make up for what the parents weren’t.
So be sure to:
- Have fun while playing the sport you love
- Be your gracious should they make these mistakes
- Share this list with your parents on Facebook or LinkedIn.
- And tell us in the comment section below, what else do parents do that annoys you?
Have some funny annoying parents habits to share? Join our hashtag #IAmClasslete
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We look forward to supporting and helping the next generation of student athletes be above their class both on and off the field of play.
-The Classlete Team