Now that you’re a part of the community, you might wonder how your Classlete Sports Card benefits student athletes like yourself. Well, we’re here to elaborate, and start together a journey that we are sure is going to be a long fruitful one. This article can be more beneficial if you check our blog post about the benefits of your digital profile here

We have built Classlete with young athletes like you in mind. Thus, we consider it as a framework that allows experts and beginners to contribute, share and learn simultaneously. To make this happen, and benefit everyone, we have introduced multiple features including your Classlete Sports Card (CSC). Here’s how:
A Digital Resume:
Classlete Sports Card benefits student athletes by displaying their achievements instantly. Your card will display your GPA and volunteer hours. This can benefit you by showcasing your academic and social contributions to your friends and community. Volunteering doesn’t only show your community contributions, speaks volumes of your passion. Ever talked to someone about their interests to walk away thinking: “Damn this fella’s influenced my thoughts about this activity”? Why not take this initiative to impress other scouts? The image you can develop will affect your character, and accordingly your chances of getting recruited. That’s why at Classlete, we want to help every athlete excel. We want you to be proud of your achievements in a tangible way.
Did we just say athlete? Along with your academic and social achievements, Your CSC will also show your preferred sport(s) and your achievements. It’s an exciting opportunity to get discovered by scouts. Here’s how:
Your business card points out to your profile. A scout who would search for you online will come across your profile that displays not just your role and trophies, but media as well. That’s your golden chance to showcase your skills through videos and photos. You’re not just what they want on paper, but you’re their new star.
Get a Part Time Job:
Finding jobs in this economy is a tedious task. Everyone’s competing to land a job that makes ends meet. What makes you stand out? I would say showing that you’re a team player (if you play team sports), or can work with little supervision (if you play an individual sport). Maybe you play multiple sports you combine both skills. It’s a solid proof right away for your potential employer and speaks volumes about your character before you even meet.
Your part time money can further help you. Think of the equipment you can buy and trips that can become easier.
For an employer, you can attach your profile to your job application. Whenever called over for an interview, you have multiple topics to discuss already; your dedication, passion and character. Who can compete with a dedicated young man or woman who dedicates time and effort consistently? A few, right? That’s how we, at want to help you.
Digital ID, And Showoff. Maybe?
Ever wondered how to showcase your skills in one screen? Classlete sports card benefits student athletes by giving them just that. You don’t need to go through your achievements every time you talk to a friend. However, you would just show them your Classlete Sports Card.
Since your card is digital, you will showcase how important you are to Classlete. This comes in different forms. One of them is Classlete points, that reflect your contribution to Classlete. We’ll discuss that in details right below.
You can also display what kind of athlete you are; confident, cerebral, social or balanced. Something to brag about! You want to develop your own brand and showing any of the 4 attributes can contribute to that.
Classlete Sports Card benefits student athletes by showing how they standout among competition too. How different are you? Your stats and attributes can prove that.
Credibility and maturity: how responsible you are
Credibility comes from authority. Classlete Sports Card benefits student athletes proving that. How? Simple! Your contributions are stated off the bat. Every Classlete community member views how many hours you have volunteered for this cause, or how many medals you have won while playing your favourite sport.
How do you get along with your teammates can also establish your personal brand? If you deliver consistently and competitively, that will be reflected on your profile. Your card can also be an outstanding bio cover. Think of it like a book’s cover that shows a hint about its content. Yet it does that with quality and style. Get people to be curious about you, and impress then when they check your profile later.
Track Classlete Points and Badges
Classlete points are like your vault! What’s your treasure? They can be numerous, actually and you can show them off in two ways: points and badges. You can learn how to earn them here.
You will earn points just for being engaged! How simple is that? You help us grow, in return help you establish yourself as a Classlete in a community full of like minded individuals. The more points you accumulate, the more authority you gain in Classlete as a knowledge leader.
Finally, badges! Nothing beats having your photo with accomplishments next to each other. As we grow together, the value and amount of badges available will increase. At Classlete, we want to reward you for your effort by providing you all the digital promotion we can. Besides, badges can be your digital landmarks for every milestone you achieve. And that’s the whole point of it.
Overall, we are a community of sharing so if you have any ideas on what you would like to see provide as rewards, please let us know in the comment section below.
And if you want to remain updated with our latest content and all that is happening here at, be sure to join our newsletter program (a free sport specific workout is included as a gift for joining).
We look forward to supporting and helping the next generation of student athletes be above their class both on and off the field of play.
-The Classlete Team